What is Bungy Jumping?
Modern Bungy History
After hearing about a peculiar Vanuatu Island ritual of jumping from towers with vines for protection in the 1970s, a group from Oxford called ‘The Dangerous Sports Club’ (loosely based around Oxford University) performed a series of experimental jumps.
The first high profile jump was from the Eiffel Tower in 1987. This stunt gained worldwide media attention and bungy jumping grew from there.
The sport has grown every year since and is now popular all around the world.
Commercial bungy will celebrate its 30 year anniversary in November 2018.
Once seen as an ‘extreme sport’, bungy jumping has come to represent personal challenge; a profound encounter with one’s own will. The pre-jump fear followed by the instant gratification generates a wonderful emotional sensation in every jumper every time. Although incredibly safe, it still remains a daunting experience and every year the number of jumpers chasing this experience increases. A thrilling jump with a unique opportunity for self-realization.
As a spectator sport, no outdoor activity can rival the excitement of watching people throw themselves off a bridge tied to a bungy rope.
Ancient Bungy History

Although several stories surround the origins of the ceremony, local legend follows the tale of a woman who, after she was repeatedly abused by her husband, climbed up the highest banyan tree in the forest to escape. Upon reaching the top, she mocked her husband’s cowardice and dared him to follow her, which he did. As he reached the top, the woman, who had cleverly tied vines to her ankles, leapt from the tree and landed safely below. Having failed to see the vines securing her feet, the husband also jumped, but in his folly, plummeted to his death. This event was eventually adopted by local men to prove their courage (although with vines tied to their ankles!), and soon became a ritual associated with the yam harvest.
Philosophy of the Jump
Yes, bungy jumping is scary. Yet what bungy jumping offers is the opportunity to experience and overcome these feelings in a safe and controlled environment. The feeling of fear before you jump – and the sense of achievement after, knowing that you’ve faced down that fear – is what makes bungy jumping such a unique experience.
Fear of all kinds often prevents people from achieving their goals or dreams. We hope that in overcoming this particular fear, you’ll be able to face other challenges in your life with greater confidence
Bungy Jumping Around the World
New-Zealand (Taupo Bungy)
A sensational jump in the heart of New Zealand’s North Island Taupo bungy has been pleasuring adrenalin seekers since 1991. The innovative cantilever platform puts the jumper 47 meters above the mighty Waikato River and the jump is billed as the highest water touch jump in New Zealand.
Taupo Bungy – 47m
WebsiteSouth Africa Bungy
1997 caused great excitement in the Bungy jumping fraternity worldwide with the opening of the Face Adrenalin Bloukrans Bungy Jump. At the time Bloukrans became the world’s highest commercial bungy jump at a whopping 216m high! A proud record for South Africa and particularly, Tsitsikamma, Plettenberg Bay, and the Garden Route. Also on offer is a bridge walking tour and a “200 meter Flying Fox” out onto the arch of Africa’s largest bridge.
Bloukrans Bungy – 216m
Bungy Nepal may be the most spectacular jump on the planet. At 160 meters high it is Nepal’s ultimate rush and one of the longest free-falls in the world.
Nepal Bungy – 160mThe stunning natural surroundings so close to Tibet make the jump an almost magical experience.
Of all the adventure activities to do in tropical North Queensland, there are none that raise the hairs on people’s backs like bungy jumping does. The idea of throwing yourself off a high tower towards a shallow pool with a giant rubber band tied attached to your ankles is, to put it mildly, scary as hell for most people.
Australia – 50m
It’s all about the fear factor. Bungy jumping for some people is about pushing your limits, challenging your mind and body, and simply being able to say, “I did it!”
WebsiteSouth Africa Bungy
111 metres of pure adrenaline rush! The bungy jump operates off the Victoria Falls Bridge and has a 100% safety record. Over 50,000 people have committed themselves to the thrill of jumping off the bridge.
Victoria Falls Bungy – 111m
Challenge the limits of the mind and test the edge of fear by leaping off the impressive bridge, with the falls behind and the mighty Zambezi River below.Canada
Whistler Bungy, British Columbia’s highest and most pristine year round bungy jumping site, is located 15 min south of world renowned Whistler Village Resort. Feel the exhilaration of jumping from a 160 ft. (53 meter) bridge spanning 300 ft. over the glacial fed Cheakamus River.
Whistler Bungy – 53m –
WebsiteMacau Bungy
If you are into massive adrenalin rushes then there’s no other extreme experience or theme park ride that will come close to throwing yourself 233 meters down the side of a tower. This bungy jump is the most technical of its kind in the world.
Macau Bungy – 233mWire cables on either side of the jump platform run vertically from top to bottom. An attachment from the jumper will allow the jumper to fall close to the tower without actually making contact. This new technology also enables the jumper to have the wildest and most extreme experience possible as the concrete tower is only meters away during the descent. This increases the adrenalin and acts as a good reference for how fast you are travelling. This guideline bungy system is the first of its kind in the world.
Best known as the bridge that Bond jumped off in the beginning of the Goldeneye movie in an audacious escape from the bad guys, this 220 meter bungy jump off the side of a massive dam in the middle of the Swiss countryside is a must-do for any enthusiastic bungy jumper that thinks they want to step things up a notch or two.
007 Golden Eye Bungy – 220m
Just 20 minutes from downtown Ottawa is “The Rock”, home to Great Canadian Bungy’s 200 ft. Goliath. Here you’ll find one of the world’s most spectacular and unique bungy jumping sites. Visualize an amphitheater of solid limestone, 200 ft. high, surrounding a 160 ft. deep aqua-blue, spring-fed lagoon larger than 3 football fields.
Great Canadian Bungy – 61m
Bungy Japan uses equipment that is designed for industrial work and rock climbing that has been tested and has been used on bungy jump sites all around the world over the past 20 years.
Equipment used on site includes purpose built bungy jump ankle harnesses, waist and body harnesses, ropes and tubular webbing, karabiners, pulleys and D-shackles.